Burleson’s DNA Project

The Burleson Family has several DNA collaborations ongoing.  You are welcome to participate by letting us know you have a DNA test.

  • Y-DNA traces the male paternal line and the Family Tree DNA Burleson Project currently has 17 participants; the matching pattern for the I-M253 Haplogroup can be seen in the colorized chart.  Paul Sisco is our expert on the Y-DNA questions.
  • Autosomal DNA tests from Ancestry, FTDNA, MyHeritage, and 23andMe can be uploaded to GEDmatch;  then you can join the Burleson Ancestor Project.  Questions on autosomal DNA can be directed to Denise Sproed
  • mt-DNA – we haven’t yet focused on this aspect but it’s possible some females may have tests pointing up their female Burleson lines

Denise Sproed’s website has a DNA Helps page with tutorials in PDF format. 

It’s also recommended you build your line to connect to the Burleson’s on WikiTree and enter your DNA test details there so others can easily find you.